Sight Unseen, in partnership with Bell Media’s CTV, follows Tess Avery (Dolly Lewis, The Dutchman’s Pipe), a top homicide detective who is forced to quit the job she loves after nearly killing her par...
A seasoned Free Stalker tasked with guiding a band of Mercenaries deep into The Zone to investigate a paranormal radio signal. Based on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video-game series by G.S.C. Game World....
AdultSwim 最先在 Cartoon Network 午夜剧场推出的,一个关于一个美国度庭拥有一个CIA任务的老爸 Stan Smith 和一个他从 Area 51 区救出的恩人 shaggy shaggy 的一天到晚就知道酗酒和抽雪茄的 GAY 口音外星生物 Roger,还有一条被CIA秘密换脑的带德语口音的金鱼 Klaus 和金鱼经常时不时挑逗一下的 Stan Smith 的老婆 Fra...
A seasoned woman from the world of show business, recruits 11 Romanian dancers dreaming of fame and glory to take them to Paris. One of them decides to leave her husband, but he doesn't take it very w...
A hardened criminal fresh out of the joint takes a job as a handyman in a dilapidated house; but the twisted horrors he finds inside are enough to send anyone running. So why does he stay And why are ...
出生于长岛的白人青年尤金·马东(拉尔夫·马奇奥 Ralph Macchio 饰)在古典吉他的演奏上拥有极高的天分,但是他如此热爱蓝调布鲁斯,尤其对传奇黑人布鲁斯歌手罗伯特·约翰逊(蒂姆·罗斯 Tim Russ 饰)着迷不已。听说约翰逊生前曾录下30首歌曲,但只要前29首传达于世。为了找到那首丧失的歌曲,他辗转找到约翰逊当年的伙伴——前布鲁斯乐队“盲狗福尔敦”成员威利·布朗(Joe Seneca 饰...