Following the death of their mother, four estranged siblings find themselves fighting for their inheritance and for their lives when an eccentric stranger arrives, claiming their famous haunted childh...
Its Halloween 1989, best friends Sam and Josh are trying to enjoy what's left of their final Devil's Night before graduating high school. But trouble arises when the two pals and a group of friends ta...
吉姆·布劳德本特将主演新片[一团体的朝圣](The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry,暂译)。希提·麦克唐纳(《正常人》)执导。该片改编自蕾秋·乔伊斯撰写的同名滞销书,讲述哈罗德·弗莱(布劳德本饰)收到20年未见的好友奎妮的一封信,奎妮患了癌症,写信告别。震惊、悲痛之下,哈罗德写了回信,在寄出的路上,他由奎妮想到了自己的人生,经过了一个又一个邮筒,越走越远,最后,...
Follows a young man very passionate about music. He has to come to terms with an uncertain future while balances his loving life, family and Brazilian culture in New Jersey....