The teenage daughter (Holly Taylor) of a religious fanatic (Bruce Davison) attempts to escape her father's delusional suicide pact after three strangers break down near her family's remote ru...
Just before Christmas, Lee Leander is caught shoplifting. It is her third offense. She is prosecuted by John Sargent. He postpones the trial because it is hard to get a conviction at Christmas time. B...
Judge William Billy Priest lives in a very patriotic (Confederate) southern town. Priest plays a laid-back, widowed judge who helps uphold the law in his toughest court case yet. In the meantime, he p...
杰克•拉莫塔(罗伯特•德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)出身于纽约的布鲁克林区。自小便停止拳击训练的杰克很快就在拳击界崭露头角,他因在竞赛中出拳迅猛,打击对手毫不留情,表现得就像一头公牛,被称为“愤怒的公牛”。 虽然杰克表现出色,但由于他为人正直,不肯屈服于黑手党的布置,所以在事先他不时无缘于应战拳王金腰带。在屡次失意后,杰克终于向黑手党屈服,遵从布置输掉了一场竞赛。之后杰克如愿应战了拳...