The film centers around a girl who inherits a miniature horse that develops an unlikely friendship with her half-sister's Jack Russell Terrier, who takes to riding on the horse's back....
艾索(艾迪•墨菲 Eddie Murphy 饰)是底特律黑色两道的大名人,身为警探,却也不时干些偷鸡摸狗的勾当,而且他侦办案件时经常不按顺序办事,下属对他十分头痛。这天,艾索由于敲诈烟贩而差点被开除出去,幸而好运气才免遭于难。 艾索偶遇了一位刚出狱的好友,这人带着巨额的德国债券离开了底特律。两人重逢后不久,艾索的这位冤家就被谋杀了。深谙此事不复杂,艾索末尾了调查。他独自一人追踪嫌疑人维克多离开了...
Tom Sizemore plays Jack Durant, a dynamic and dangerous gentleman who runs the most famous steakhouse in the city. He caters to movie stars, politicians and mobsters. He knows all their secrets but do...