影片改编自小说《对不起,来不及陪你长大》,讲述了普利策获奖记者戴娜·坎纳迪(Dana Canedy)和军官查尔斯·门罗·金(Charles Monroe King)的真实爱情故事。查尔斯在海外退役时期为防止在战事中阵亡,给他们刚刚出生的儿子乔丹写下了一封家书,旨在通知他在没有父亲的生出息程中如何过下面子的生活,同时也包括了深入的人生感悟,以及一个父亲对他从未谋面儿子的忠告和祈祷。...
John Day is a bank manager and lives with his wife Maria Day. The couple has recently lost their only daughter. Maria is always depressed and never opens up with anyone. One day when John is away for ...
A misfit gang of runaways and orphans are taken in by a dark and charismatic father figure who together wreak havoc throughout swamps and trailer parks of central Florida....