特雷西(萝拉·科克 Lola Kirke 饰)是一名伟大的女大先生,落在人群之中毫不起眼。原封不动的生活和日复一日平淡令特雷西的内心备受煎熬,她不时向往着可以前往纽约生活,在她的内心里,纽约这座纸醉金迷的大城市代表着更多的希望和更绚烂的未来。 终于有一天,特雷西的梦想要成真了。她联络上了行将要成为自己同父异母的姐姐的布鲁克(格蕾塔·葛韦格 Greta Gerwig 饰),在特雷西的眼中,布鲁克就...
Paul (Morgan) investigates his late father's increasingly disturbing past and becomes suspicious of the mysterious, melancholic, and possibly dangerous, Madeleine (Ardant)....
THE GAME WARDEN is a surreal dark-comedy about the life of Dan, a Wildlife Officer who suffers from severe anxiety and grief after a bear attack claims the life of his son....