Meek farmhand Sasha and policeman Dima have a fraught relationship. They’re brothers-in-law, travel companions, and—secretly—lovers. Over the course of their journey to visit Sasha’s grandmother, un...
Thallumaala revolves around a series of fights in the life of a young man named Wazim, Among these fights, the one that ends up topping the list is the massive fight that breaks out on his wedding day...
Four insomniac med school students are lured into a neuroscience experiment that spirals out of control and must find a way out before it's too late....
Filmed on the beautiful islands of Greece, With a Kiss I Die is a dark love story about Juliet Capulet (from Shakespearean fame) who is forced to live for all eternity knowing that her true love died ...
故事发作在1882年的美国西部平原,在那片宽广的土地上,生活着名为“拓荒者”的人们,他们自在的选择土地,辛勤劳作,放牧牛羊,安居乐业,查理(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)、苏(安妮特·贝宁 Annette Bening 饰)、莫斯(亚布拉哈姆·本鲁比 Abraham Benrubi 饰)和斯皮尔曼(罗伯特·杜瓦尔 Robert Duvall 饰)正是其中的成员。 可是,随着时间...