A psychological thriller, based on true events that occurred, following two female students to New York. As they arrive at their rental home, 625 River Rd, a chain of mysterious events take place that...
An epic journey revealing the real Mars, as you've never seen it before. Using data from orbiters and rovers to build accurate views of the red planet and uncover its secrets. On a single circuit of M...
故事发作在第二次世界大战时期,一批来自英国的飞行员们被排遣到加拿大接受军事训练,训练的日子十分的辛劳单调,在此进程中,加拿大的姑娘们成为了独一可以缓解疲劳的选择。但是,每团体都明白,这只是一段注定不会有结果的露水情缘而已,一旦训练完毕,男孩们就将分开加拿大,和他们的爱人永远的分别。 但是一位名为雷克林(罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe 饰)的女子却不信这个邪,他真心的爱上了名为莱尔(Chr...